1 2 A M

I awake on the cold, hard floor, staring at a familiarly unfamiliar ceiling. How many times has it been now? Too many; I've lost count. Even if I scratched tallies on the wall, they'd be gone by the time I opened my eyes again.

Sometimes I wish I'd stay asleep forever.

I always wake up at midnight on the dot, since I'm stuck in a full day's loop. Why, you ask? Beats me. The only thing I can seem to remember is what I do: I'm a "Dream Maker"-- a "Nightmare Breaker", if you will. But that's about all I've got in this useless head of mine.

1 A M

I let my eyes wander around the room; it's empty, boring, and utterly stifling. There aren't even lamps, nor windows, but somehow there's light. The floor is wooden, the walls are grey, and somehow, there isn't a speck of dust in sight. Wonder who does the upkeep here. I'd hire them, for sure.

The only peculiar thing in this small room—besides me—are two vastly different doors in front of me. Again, they seem so familiar, yet I can't remember a thing about them.

The left door is cold. It's made of ice, and icicles cling to the handle. It didn't take a genius to assume that what's inside was very, very chilly.

The right door is misshapen. It's checkered in black and white, and looks more like a wiggly piece of lasagna than a door. I don't trust it.

• Kronos, the Nightmare Breaker

• previously named "Kaiser" (renamed "Kronos" due to his unfortunate fate: being stuck in a 24-hour loop)

• ??? years old, appearance of a twenty-year-old

• stands at about 7'2" (human form)

• not very strong; fairly thin

• really, really loves food

• enjoys the little things in life

• not a fan of creepy things/horror movies

• not an extremely social man, but will try to be kind to everyone

• feels obligated to help those in need (though he may do more bad than good at first)

• will absolutely accept a warm hug as a thank-you gift, because cuddles are nice (even if the giver is not)

• finds it difficult to admit when he's wrong; then later regrets his useless pride

• has no memories from before "the loop"

• wishes to one day find out how to break free from his cruel fate so he can eat good food again

• "I dislike people because I don't know what they're thinking."

• "it's no use crying over spilled milk."

• "...I like cute stuff. sue me."

• "the way to my heart's definitely gotta be... my stomach."

• "sorry, last time I checked, the instructions for 'being a nightmare breaker' didn't say I had to be nice about it."

• "you're very welcome. sweet dreams!"